Cavities aren’t fun… but they can be avoided!

Cavities can be incredibly uncomfortable. They can cause sensitivity and pain and can lead to more advanced tooth decay that could require a root canal or even extraction to resolve. Cavities can happen to anyone, especially children, due to their lack of established oral hygiene regimens and their penchant for sticky, sugary foods.

Trying to instill good oral hygiene habits and prevent cavities in your children can feel like an uphill battle at times. Luckily, there are some straightforward steps you can take to help your children prevent cavities.

1. Establish an effective oral hygiene routine to prevent cavities.

The best time to stop a cavity is before it develops. Good oral hygiene plays a vital role in cavity prevention. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth that build up on teeth and release acid that gradually wears away the enamel. Brushing twice a day prevents excessive buildup, keeping your children’s teeth safer.

Flossing is also important. The nooks and crannies around teeth serve as the perfect spot for bacteria to grow and thrive. Flossing cleans these areas out, which is especially critical because it removes food particles that would provide the bacteria with a steady supply of sugar.

2. Never miss routine cleanings and exams.

Good brushing habits alone aren’t enough to prevent cavities. Bacteria that build up on the teeth can harden to form plaque and tartar, especially in hard-to-reach spots around the gumline. These can’t be removed effectively through regular brushing, so routine cleaning from a kids’ dentist in Prince Frederick is essential.

With the right tools for the job, the dentist can easily remove plaque and tartar. An exam carried out at the same time can help the dentist spot signs of tooth decay and provide treatment that could stop a cavity from developing or becoming worse.

3. Start young!

To protect your children as much as possible, you should start an oral hygiene routine when they’re young. Wipe down your baby’s gums with a soft washcloth after feeding to clear away debris and get them used to the feeling. Then, you can start brushing with them as soon as the first tooth emerges. Purchase special soft toothbrushes and baby toothpaste made just for this stage of development.

Seeing the dentist for the first time is also important. You should bring your baby to see the dentist within six months of their first tooth erupting or by their first birthday if a tooth hasn’t emerged by that time. Your dentist will be able to give you plenty of advice about care, the right baby toothpaste, and more.

4. Try dental sealants to prevent cavities.

Dental sealants are something you may or may not remember from your own childhood, since the preventative treatment has only become popular in the last few years. This simple treatment involves applying a special resin to a child’s molars to protect them from cavities.

The resin is applied with a brush and then cured with UV light. It protects the surface of the molars, which bear the brunt of chewing and are a common location for childhood cavities. One treatment provides up to two years of protection and only takes a few minutes to perform.

5. Take a deliberate approach

You can tell your children about good oral hygiene habits, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to follow through. For young children, you should implement a structured method to ensure they keep up with brushing and flossing. You could keep track on a weekly basis and even offer a small prize or fun activity as a reward.

Age-appropriate incentives for young children can include small treats, stickers, and toys. Older kids might enjoy prizes like movie tickets, extra free time, and big rewards they can earn through long-term success, such as new privileges or a party with their friends.

If you are going to reward your child with a treat, make sure to stick with low-sugar foods instead of candy. You don’t want to take one step forward and two steps back. Fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt, and other options can be just as appealing while being much healthier for their oral hygiene.

6. Give fluoride treatment a go to prevent cavities.

Fluoride treatment applied during a routine cleaning and exam can help fight cavities by remineralizing enamel. This prevents the earliest stage of tooth decay from developing, replacing minerals that are gradually worn away.

At We Make Kids Smile, we use silver diamine fluoride treatment. This FDA-approved fluoride treatment has additional beneficial effects. Silver in the formula helps fight bacteria, stopping tooth decay at the source. The formula also has higher effectiveness in preventing the advancement of established cavities.

Get the best in dental care for your child!

If you want to ensure that your child gets the best in cavity prevention, then you can reach out to We Make Kids Smile right away. Your child will receive exceptional care from an experienced kids’ dentist in Waldorf or Prince Frederick, our two dental office locations.

We provide routine cleanings and exams, silver diamine fluoride treatment, dental sealants, fillings, and so much more. We Make Kids Smile can meet all of your pediatric dentistry needs. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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