When it’s Time for Your Child’s First Orthodontic Evaluation

One of the most exciting things for parents to see is their baby getting their first teeth. Before you know it your toddler will have a full smile, and years after, your child will experience the milestone of losing their first tooth.

The loss of their first baby tooth marks the start of your child getting their adult teeth. It also serves as a reminder to parents that it’s time to book an orthodontic evaluation.

Plan to book your child’s first orthodontic evaluation before their 7th birthday.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends parents book their child’s first evaluation with a pediatric orthodontist no later than their child’s 7th birthday. In some cases, an earlier evaluation may be recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist if something peculiar comes up.

Seeing an orthodontist as early as six or seven years of age may seem premature at first, but there are actually a few important reasons for this early age recommendation.

Why an early orthodontic evaluation shouldn’t be skipped.

Although most kids don’t get braces until they’re pre-teens or teens, early orthodontic evaluations are still crucial for these 3 reasons.

1. Some orthodontic problems aren’t easily visible, especially to parents.

As a parent that takes their child’s oral health seriously, there’s no doubt that you often check your child’s smile. You might even be thrilled to see that your child’s teeth look beautifully straight already. This is great news, but it’s important to keep in mind that some orthodontic problems aren’t visible.

Between your watchful eye, regular preventive care with a pediatric dentist, and the expert opinion of a pediatric orthodontist, all your child’s bases for optimal oral health will be covered.

2. Orthodontists have the knowledge to predict tooth movement and jaw growth.

Pediatric orthodontists are specially trained to not only recognize your child’s current bite alignment and jaw growth but also predict how your child’s bite and tooth alignment may change as their jaw and face continue to grow and mature. This level of knowledge means your child’s pediatric orthodontist can predict potential future problems before a general pediatric dentist may be able to.

3. Early orthodontic treatment can make later treatment easier and more effective.

Your child’s first orthodontic evaluation can go one of two ways. The orthodontist may find your child’s bite alignment and teeth look great, in which case you’ll most likely come back for a follow-up as your child matures. If the orthodontist does spot trouble, early orthodontic treatment may be necessary.

Early orthodontic treatment may only be temporarily used, with braces being applied later on when your child is in their early teens. Though rare, there are instances in which the only way to solve severe bite alignment issues is early in your child’s life. In these cases, waiting too long may mean you miss out on the perfect window for ideal results.

Common Signs of Orthodontic Trouble in Kids

The bulk of your child’s orthodontic evaluation will revolve around an in-depth examination with X-rays, 3D imaging, and other specialized dental tools. The pediatric orthodontist will be looking for signs of:

  • Limited jaw mobility.
  • Uneven bite alignment (overbite, underbite).
  • Signs of thumbsucking.
  • Odd jaw movement when opening and biting.
  • Asymmetrical jaws.

Your child’s pediatric orthodontist will ask some important questions, such as:

  • Does your child still suck their thumb?
  • Have you heard any jaw clicking while they eat?
  • Have they shown any discomfort or pain while chewing?
  • Has your child experienced any medical problems?

You’ll often also be asked about your child’s diet, how often they visit their pediatric dentist, and general questions about oral health and general health. Things like nutrition or chronic battles with tooth decay can offer valuable insight for a pediatric orthodontist.

How Pediatric Orthodontic Care Benefits Your Child

Investing in orthodontic care for your child is a wonderful gift that truly gives back to their long-term oral and overall health.

The obvious benefit of orthodontic care is your child will have a straight, attractive smile as a teen and adult. A great smile has a big impact on success in life, both in professional capacities, such as their career, and personal relationships. Your child will have a confidence-boosting smile they will proudly share with others.

Orthodontic treatment also offers a number of important functional and health benefits. A straight smile is easier to clean when brushing and flossing, thereby reducing your child’s chance of developing tooth decay or future gum disease. Proper bite alignment also means your child can chew properly, increasing their nutritional absorption from food, and they will be much less likely to develop TMJ or bruxism.

Your child’s pediatric orthodontist or even their pediatric dentist can go into greater detail on the numerous benefits of orthodontic treatment for kids.

Schedule your child’s orthodontic evaluation today.

Ready to book your child’s first orthodontic evaluation? The We Make Kids Smile dental team is ready and waiting! You can book a consultation for your child by either calling one of our offices or by filling out this easy appointment request form. We look forward to planning your child’s mouth-healthy future!

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