But they won’t sit still!

When it comes to kids, there’s one thing for certain—they don’t like to slow down! If we don’t find ways to keep them busy, it’s likely we’ll soon hear “I’m bored!” They might sit long enough to watch their favorite show or play a new video game, but when it comes time to teach them about caring for their oral health, it can feel impossible.

So it’s time to get creative. But it can be hard to figure out what to do to make oral health habits like brushing their teeth a fun and unique experience. Need some ideas? We here at We Make Kids Smile have 5 oral health ideas all ready for you to try!

1. Toothbrush Time Travel

It’s time to buckle up tight and travel through space and time!

For children who are interested in history, you can start this game by choosing a random time period for them to imagine. Have them close their eyes and . . . brush! Their toothbrush is the magical tool to transport them through time! As they brush their teeth, have them imagine they have fallen back in time. Perhaps they even stepped into the shoes of a famous person in history like George Washington. If that is the case, have them walk, talk, and act just like him as they get their teeth nice and clean. The possibilities are endless!

What if your child would prefer to travel to unknown worlds? Help them create entire planets for them to visit while they brush their teeth. Whenever the tooth brushing begins, they can travel wherever their heart desires! What do the residents of this world look like? Do they sing funny songs? And how would they care for their teeth?

2. Dental Detective Game

It’s time for your little ones to solve some mysteries! The first step is to use disclosing tablets like these to bring the plaque to life. Next up, it’s time for your little detectives to brush it all away. They have to find all of the clues, or plaque, to win! When all of the color is gone, the mystery is officially solved!

3. Healthy Smile Art Project

Do you have a little artist on your hands? It’s time to let their imagination run wild! To harness this creativity and mix it with a bit of education, have them create colorful collages of different tooth-related photos. The sky’s the limit here! You can use this time to explain to them what plaque is, and how brushing our teeth can keep it at bay.

Don’t want to deal with glue and tape? You can have them draw their “superhero smile.” This can be just a big toothy smile on a piece of paper or a smiling character! While they draw, explain to them how their smile is unique and special, just like their art! And it is their responsibility to take care of it so it will stay healthy.

4. Interactive Storytime with Dental Heroes

There is no end to the fun when you create your own stories! With the help of your little storyteller, make up a team of characters to battle and conquer the “sugar monsters.” These can be gentle tooth fairies or powerful superheroes! Each time your little one brushes their teeth, they can add a little more to the story. It won’t be long before they’ll be begging to find out what happens next! The entire time, you will be teaching your child about healthy oral habits.

5. Tooth-Friendly Snack Creations

When it’s time to create that afternoon snack, why not use it as an opportunity to teach your child about healthy eating habits? Introduce them to all the tasty goodies that are full of nutrients to keep their teeth strong and healthy! For example, when they select a yogurt, you can explain to them that it’s a really good choice because of the calcium that helps strengthen their bones and teeth!

Time for fun!

Getting a child to sit still long enough to brush their teeth can sometimes seem like a daunting task. When trying to figure out a way to make the magic happen, don’t be afraid to get creative. We hope these five games will help both your and your child’s imaginations run wild and get those teeth clean at the same time!

Want one more idea? Head on over here to learn how to create a toothbrush treasure hunt!

Don’t forget to make an appointment to see us every six months for a dental check-up. We want to help keep those smiles shining bright! You can make an appointment in just a few clicks on our website!

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