What Parents Should Know Before Dental Surgery

Finding out that your child needs a full-mouth restoration can be very emotional for parents. It’s exciting to know that a treatment option is available for your child’s smile. Still, you might also feel a bit overwhelmed about preparing your child for extensive dental surgery or restorations, and chances are you have a lot of questions on your mind.

Your child’s dentist will go over everything you need to know before your child’s big day. In the meantime, here are answers to our most frequently asked questions from parents.

Why do baby teeth need restorative work?

One of the first questions parents often ask after learning about full-mouth reconstruction is why it’s necessary for baby teeth. After all, baby teeth are only temporary, so why should a child undergo dental surgery to fix them?

This is a very valid question and one that’s important for parents to ask so they feel comfortable with dental surgery for their child. The simplest answer is that baby teeth are just as important to the growth and development of your child’s smile and oral function as adult teeth. While prematurely losing one baby tooth may not spell disaster, extensive loss of baby teeth can.

Children who battle widespread tooth decay, premature tooth loss, malocclusions, and general tooth pain face significant obstacles in proper eating and speaking abilities. Future adult teeth are also much more likely to erupt crooked and misaligned, which in itself can cause several issues for the future of your child’s smile.

Your child’s dentist will only recommend a full-mouth restoration when there are no other options for protecting your child’s current and future oral health.

What is involved in full-mouth restoration surgery?

Full-mouth restorations are different for every child, but they typically involve a series of different procedures performed all at once, usually under anesthesia.

Teeth may be restored with crowns and fillings after decay and crumbling enamel has been removed. Missing teeth or teeth that need to be extracted can be replaced with space maintainers or dental bridges. If your child has pediatric gum disease, their dentist may also perform an in-depth cleaning procedure called scaling and root planing to remove the bacteria and debris trapped in the gums around their teeth.

The primary goal of a full mouth restoration for children is to remove dental disease and restore function, but your child’s dentist will also keep aesthetics in mind, especially for older children who may feel self-conscious about their smiles.

How can I prepare my child for dental surgery?

How you prepare your child for dental surgery comes down to their age and cognitive abilities. Older children may want to know the general details of what will happen and what they can expect before and after their visit. Young children may not care too much for details but may want to know why they must see their dentist at a hospital.

Your child’s dentist will also give you important information on how to medically prepare your child for their appointment, such as withholding food after a certain time the day before surgery. Read through the pre-surgery guidelines, and if anything seems unclear, call the office for clarification.

You can also help prepare your child’s space at home before their surgery by ensuring they have a calm, peaceful area to relax and recover after their appointment.

Will the procedure occur at the dentist’s office or in a hospital?

Most full-mouth restorations will take place in a hospital setting under anesthesia because it’s the safest and most comfortable option for young children. They’ll be able to sleep peacefully while their dentist and assistants work on their smiles and a certified medical professional monitors their vitals and sedation. We have admitting privileges at several local hospitals.

Nitrous oxide and oral sedation are also available in our office, although most children are much more likely candidates for hospital dentistry with general anesthesia.

What can my child eat after dental surgery?

Liquids and soft foods are the traditional post-dental surgery staples. A little fruit juice can help your child perk up after surgery, and 100% fruit juice popsicles can also reduce oral swelling. Soft foods, like apple sauce, scrambled eggs, or yogurt, are also very easy to eat. Your child’s dentist will likely give you a list of approved foods.

It’s important not to allow your child to return to a normal diet too quickly during the initial healing period. Hot foods or beverages and crunchy or hard foods can not only be painful but also damage stitches and healing restorations.

How soon can my child go back to school?

Your child will likely feel tired and not well enough for school for a few days following a typical full-mouth restoration. Some parents find their child isn’t ready to return for five days or sometimes an entire week, especially if they have other special medical or behavioral needs. Your child’s dentist can give valuable insight into when your child should return to school, but it’s also important to be in tune with your child.

Remember that if two or three days have passed and your child doesn’t seem to be healing well, it’s a good idea to call their dentist to check in.

Do you have more questions? Chat with your child’s dentist at We Make Kids Smile.

If you have more questions about your child’s full-mouth restoration, don’t hesitate to contact the team at We Make Kids Smile. We’re eager to answer your questions and chat about any concerns you might have about your child’s upcoming appointment.

Get in touch today by calling our office or by using this online form.

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