What are the ABCs of dental care?

Education on dental care is an essential part of preparing your child for a lifetime of good oral health. However, there are so many topics to broach. These dental ABCs can help you think of some important oral health details to discuss with your child. 

Of course, you can always reach out to your trusted dentist for guidance on how to handle your child’s dental development. Here’s what you can tell your child about each of these dental ABCs.

  • A — Amalgam Fillings. These protect teeth from further tooth decay when cavities strike. While the procedure can seem intimidating for children, it’s very important.
  • B — Baby Teeth. Your child will start losing baby teeth around age six and stop around age 12. Taking care of baby teeth is essential, as they impact the development of adult teeth.
  • C — Cavities. Cavities form when tooth decay makes a pit or hole in a tooth’s surface. They can be sensitive and painful and only get worse if your child doesn’t get treatment.
  • D — Dental Implants. In cases of missing teeth, dental implants are an exceptional solution. Titanium implants embedded in the jawbone support replacement teeth, providing strength and durability.
  • E — Enamel Erosion. The outer layer of a tooth is made up of enamel. While it is strong, enamel is susceptible to acid, whether from bacteria or acidic drinks. Acid erodes enamel, causing tooth decay.
  • F — Fluoride. Fluoride treatment at the dentist provides additional protection against cavities. It helps strengthen enamel weakened by acid. Fluoride in toothpaste also helps protect your child’s smile.
  • G — Gum Disease. Gum disease can arise when bacteria in your child’s mouth infect gum tissue. A lack of brushing and flossing can cause gum disease, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.
  • H — Halitosis. Halitosis means persistent bad breath, and it’s an early sign of gum disease. The bacteria in your child’s mouth give off foul-smelling gasses as they eat and grow.
  • I — Invisalign. Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces, providing comfortable treatment and not affecting the look of your smile as much. It can help with a variety of orthodontic issues.
  • J — Jaw Disorders. Your child’s jaw undergoes a lot of force when biting and chewing. The complex joints, muscles, and nerves around the jaw can become damaged due to stress or injury, causing jaw pain and other symptoms.
  • K — Kids’ Dentistry. Kids’ dentistry is much like general dentistry but with a focus on development and providing child-friendly care. At We Make Kids Smile, our team does everything we can to keep your child comfortable.
  • L — Laser Dentistry. Modern dental technology includes the use of lasers in some procedures. This lets dentists work on soft tissue more accurately and minimizes recovery time.
  • M — Mouth Guards. Children who play sports will need a mouth guard to protect their teeth from chipping or cracking on impact. A custom mouth guard from a dentist provides the best fit and highest level of protection.
  • N — Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, is one of the sedation dentistry options we offer at We Make Kids Smile. It could help your child enjoy comfortable treatment, even with dental anxiety or other special needs.
  • O — Oral Hygiene. Your child should brush twice each day and floss to keep up with oral hygiene.
  • P — Periodontal Therapy. Periodontal therapy means gum disease treatment and can involve deep cleaning or surgery.
  • Q — Quadrant. Your child’s teeth are divided into quadrants: upper right, upper left, lower right, and lower left.
  • R — Root Canals. Root canal treatment removes pulp and nerve tissue from inside a tooth to prevent infection in cases of tooth decay and injury.
  • S — Sedation Dentistry. We Make Kids Smile offers a variety of sedation dentistry options to suit your child’s unique needs.
  • T — Teeth Whitening. Professional treatment from a dentist can help whiten teeth better than over-the-counter options.
  • U — Ultrasonic Cleaning. A dentist can use a special tool to clean your child’s teeth using ultrasonic waves, removing plaque and tartar. 
  • V — Veneers. Veneers replace the front surface of teeth to repair chips, cracks, and other issues.
  • W — Wisdom Teeth. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the back of the mouth. Most people need them removed because they don’t have enough room in their jaw.
  • X — X-Rays. X-rays are a routine part of a dental examination, letting the dentist see your child’s teeth and jaw as they develop.
  • Y — Youth Orthodontics. Early orthodontics can help your child avoid the need for braces as they grow older.
  • Z — Zero Cavities. Cavities are very common but highly preventable. Even if your child doesn’t quite make it, set a goal for zero cavities.

Learning the ABCs of dental care can help your kids keep their teeth healthy and strong!

Let Your Pediatric Dentist in Waldorf Help

There’s a lot to teach your child about oral health. However, you don’t have to do it alone! We Make Kids Smile is your pediatric dentist in Prince Frederick, Maryland, providing all of your pediatric dental care needs. If you have concerns about any of these dental ABCs, just schedule an appointment today.

Do you have a question? We can help!

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